The Dunaway Fold
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The Dunaway Fold is a fold that looks impressive but with a bit of practice, can be mastered by following the steps below.
If you're looking for a fold that can be a real talking point at an event, then the Dunaway is an excellent choice. You ideally want to choose a square that has some detail on the border so it gives a nice contrast to the pocket square roll in front.

Step 1.
Start by laying out the pocket square flat in front of you. Then pinch the middle with your thumb and index finger and lift it up.

Step 2.
Next take your other hand and make a circle with your thumb and index finger quite close to where the four points start to form.

Step 3.
Then turn the pocket square around 180 degrees ensuring to keep the same form and then twist it near the top to hold the four corners in place.

Step 4.
Next, being careful to hold the four corners in place, roll the bottom part of the pocket square up toward the peaks.

Step 5.
Continue to roll it until it almost reaches the four corners, then taking your thumb hold down the roll quite firmly, and with your other hand adjust the peaks so that they are even. Note, there are a couple of variations when performing the roll that affects the final look which are outlined below.

Step 6.
Finally, place in the pocket adjusting both the roll and peaks to give a crisp final look. To achieve this style, when rolling the pocket square in Step 4, smooth out creases and once at the top, pull relatively tightly with your thumbs on either side to achieve the flat roll as pictured.

Step 6 - Alternative.
The alternative look is to roll the pocket square straight up and leave the creases in the roll, making it part of the final effect. This is the simpler of the two fold variations so is a good choice if you're pressed for time.

The Fall of Phaeton
The pocket square used in this folding guide is The Fall of Phaeton by Rubens painted in 1604. It can be viewed here: The Fall of Phaeton
See our full collection of pocket squares here: Pocket Square Store
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